Recent Masonry Case Studies

Old Basilica of St. Louis, King, St. Louis, MO
Speweik Preservation Consultants (SPC), involved a stone-by-stone survey, condition assessment report, stone and mortar testing, specifications and drawing review, research for stone replacement options, and determine the most cost effective preservation treatments to save the decaying stone façade.

Historic Chalmette National Cemetery, Chalmette, LA
Speweik Preservation Consultants (SPC) was commissioned by Pishny Restoration Services to provide technical support to comply with the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Secretary Standards for Rehabilitation in the harvesting, cleaning, and repair scope for the damaged historic marble headstones.

North and South Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Masons working on North Hall, a National Historic Landmark, had to undergo a rigorous training program led by Chicago masonry preservation specialist John Speweik.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
A stone-by-stone detailed analysis of the historic limestone façade was undertaken by Speweik Preservation Consultants (SPC) for the Main Group Building No. 2, ca. 1916 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Older Masonry Preservation Projects
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Main Group Bldg No. 2, ca. 1916, Cambridge, Massachusetts – William Bosworth, Architect – Services: specification review, pre-construction test panel installation for historic stone treatment recommendations, lime putty mortar repointing, stone Dutchman repair, composite stone repair, dispersed lime crack injection, development of quality assurance program, on-site project training to comply with ASTM E2659. Project completed 2011 with Stephen J. Wessling Architects, Quincy, Massachusetts

Phase II is under completion now which involves the MIT Chemistry wing of the north elevation of Building 2. Phase III started in August of 2013 and includes the remainder of the Building 2 Bedford Indiana limestone facade. In preparation for Phase III Speweik Preservation Consultants and Wessling Architects completed a stone-by-stone survey of 32,575 square feet of limestone in preparation to create the historic masonry stone treatment requirements for the project.
YouTube video on moisture sensor installation:
YouTube video on training components:
Old Brick House, ca. 1845, Biloxi, Mississippi – Services: specification review, condition assessment, on-site masonry contractor training in historic lime putty mortar applications for both brick and plasterwork, provided ongoing technical support through work-in-progress inspection visits to the construction site. Completed project in 2010 with Albert & Associates Architects, P.A., Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Old Main, Baptist College, ca. 1893, Little Rock, Arkansas-Services: specification review, condition assessment, on-site masonry contractor training in historic lime putty mortar applications for both brick and stonework, provided ongoing technical support through work-in-progress inspection visits to the construction site. Completed project in 2010 with SMC Architects, Little Rock, Arkansas
New Orleans Historic Lakefront Airport, ca. 1933, New Orleans, Louisiana Services: specification review, condition assessment, on-site masonry contractor training in historic stucco recreation applications, provided ongoing technical support through work-in-progress inspection visits to the construction site. Completed project in 2009 with Richard C. Lambert Consultants, L.L.C., Mandeville, Louisiana
The McCook House, ca. 1837, Carrollton, Ohio Services: condition assessment. Completed project in 2008 with Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio
General Albert Gallatin Jenkins House, ca. 1835, Green Bottom, West Virginia Services: pre-construction test panel installation for historic brick treatment recommendations, lime putty mortar repointing, composite stone repair, contractor training, material testing and matching, development of quality assurance on-site project training program to meet ASTM E2659. Project completed in 2010 with Army Corp of Engineers, Huntington, West Virginia
North and South Halls, ca. 1851, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Wisconsin Services: specification review, pre-construction test panel installation for historic stone treatment recommendations, lime putty mortar repointing, stone Dutchman repair, composite stone repair, dispersed lime crack injection, development of quality assurance on-site project training program to meet ASTM E2659. Project completed 2011 with Isthmus Architecture, Madison, Wisconsin
YouTube videos on training components:
- Remove Redress and Return Stone to Same Location
- Stone Removal and Replacement
- DHL Dispersed Lime Injection – Crack Repair
- Substitute Stone Repair
- Summary of Project
The Old State Capitol, ca. 1847, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Services: specification review, pre-construction test panel installation for historic exterior stucco treatment recommendations, lime putty plastering, dispersed lime crack injection, development of quality assurance on-site project training program to meet ASTM E2659. Project completed 2010 with Jerry M. Campbell and Associates, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Old Beauregard Middle School, ca. 1916, St. Bernard, Louisiana Services: on-site condition assessment, pre-construction test panel installation for historic plaster treatment recommendations, clay masonry training development of quality assurance on-site project training program to meet ASTM E2659. Project completed 2011 with Architects Beazley Moliere, Lafayette, Louisiana
YouTube video on training components:
34th District Courthouse, ca. 1939, Chalmette, Louisiana Services: specification review, pre-construction test panel installation for historic lime plaster treatment recommendations, lime putty mortar repointing, composite stone repair, development of quality assurance on-site project training program to meet ASTM E2659. Project completed 2011 with Architects Beazley Moliere, Lafayette, Louisiana
YouTube videos on training components:
The Briggs Estate Home and Carriage House, ca. 1879, Nevada, Iowa Services: condition assessment, specification creation, pre-construction testing on the mortar and historic plaster, historic brick and stone treatment recommendations, Current project with Nevada Community Historical Society, Nevada, Iowa
Niagara Falls Historic Customhouse, ca.1863, Niagara Falls, New York Services: condition assessment. Completed project in 2009 with Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers, Buffalo, New York
Sedgwick County Historic Courthouse, ca. 1890, Wichita, Kansas Services: condition assessment, material testing. Completed project in 2011 with Sedgwick County, Wichita, Kansas
Missouri Botanical Gardens, ca. 1850, St. Louis, Missouri Services: condition assessment, material testing, installation of pre-construction test panel for lime mortar repointing on historic stone wall, bid document reviews and specification assistance to the architect for Division 4 – Historic Stone Masonry. On-site historic stone masonry training and quality assurance site inspections. Current project with InSite Consulting Architects, Madison, Wisconsin, St. Louis, Missouri, Chicago, and Naples, Florida
YouTube videos on training components:
Waupun Correctional Institution, ca. 1852, Waupun, Wisconsin Services: condition assessment, material testing, installation of pre-construction test panel for hydraulic lime mortar rebuilding and repointing on historic stone wall. On-site historic stone masonry training and quality assurance site inspections. Current project with The State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration
YouTube videos on training components:
University of Arkansas, Old Main, ca. 1875, Fayetteville, Arkansas Services: condition assessment, material testing, installation of pre-construction test panel for cleaning historic stone, options for redressing stone in-situ. Current project with SCM Architects, Little Rock, Arkansas
YouTube video:
One West Wilson Building, ca. 1932, Madison, Wisconsin Services: condition assessment, material testing, application of pre-construction test panel for cleaning historic granite, options for repointing stone with Type O Mortar, specification review and assistance. Current project with James G. Otto, Architect, LLC, Hubertus, Wisconsin
YouTube video: